Music producer Iosif Prigozhin, the husband of singer Valeriya, told the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva how much he spends a year on utility bills. According to him, this expense item annually takes about 900 thousand rubles from his budget.
Prigozhin explained that, in addition to his own housing, he also has to cover the expenses of his mother and other relatives. “The communal apartment for my mother’s apartment is 15 thousand a month. For our apartment – 60-70 thousand, – listed the producer. – The price, as you understand, depends on the area – here it is 300 meters – and the comfort of the house. It is not easy for us: there is security, various services are provided. ”
In turn, TV presenter Dana Borisova, who now lives in the metropolitan area of Fili, in an apartment of 65 square meters, said that the cost of the communal apartment she pays is 10-12 thousand rubles a month.
But the producer of the Na-Na group, Bari Alibasov, who owns three expensive residential properties on the Arbat, united into one – an area of 220 square meters, spends only 17 thousand rubles a month to pay for housing and communal services. This was announced by his PR director Vladimir Gorzhankin. The amount is so modest because Alibasov has disability benefits, he explained.
In general, an ordinary Russian family, according to analysts’ estimates, gives about 4.8 thousand rubles a month to pay for housing and communal services. According to statistics from different regions, residents of Komi pay the most for water, heat, and electricity, and residents of Ingushetia are the cheapest.