Tuesday, January 14, 2025

    Ajla, Hata, Tajra: With sign language we make someone feel less invisible

    70,000 people with hearing impairments live on the margins of Bosnia and Herzegovina. society. Not enough attention is paid to them, they are marginalized in education, health care, media. Ajla Kesko, Hata Kujrakovic, and Tajra Hadzic are the team of “BiH on the move”, they presented a new film in sign language “Show me a story”. By learning sign language we enrich our personality and make someone feel less invisible


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    A group of young enthusiasts, girls who want to promote BiH with all its beauties, and who last year presented the project “BiH on the move” at the Cultural Center in Sarajevo, this time surprised us again, presenting a new film in sign language “Show me story ”. They promote the beauties and tourist potentials of our country but also point to the problems that people with hearing impairments face on a daily basis. The “BiH on the Move” team consists of Ajla Kesko, Hata Kujrakovic and Tajra Hadzic.

    Ajla Kesko and Tajra Hadzic are studying International Management at the University of Klagenfurt, and Hata Kujrakovic is studying European Affairs at Lund University. Alma Mujanovic, president of the Sign for the Word Association, taught the girls sign language.

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    Where did the idea for these projects come from?

    Ajla: The three of us met in 2016 at Burch International University, where we graduated from the Department of International Relations and European Studies last year. We are currently master students. Our whole story about the project begins with the application for the project organized by “Humanity in Action BiH” called “Encouraging democratic values ​​and active citizenship among young people.” It is, in fact, a ten-month program that aims to bring democracy and human rights issues closer to young activists, encourage young people to think critically about sensitive topics and build communication, presentation, and research skills. The project itself consists of three phases. The first includes a theoretical part with various workshops, the second a project management training, and the third phase of course creation, implementation, and promotion. During the second phase, the sign language workshop was held by Alma Mujanović and IracAdilagic, two young girls who started the Facebook and Instagram page “Sign for the word” where they are daily engaged in promoting and bringing the Bosnian sign language closer to BiH. population through very interesting video content. Together with Maida Mujanovic, the third member of the “Sign for the Word” group, they helped us a lot in the implementation of the project. Their enthusiasm and our desire to learn sign language inspired us to contribute to the promotion of sign language. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. two young girls who started the Facebook and Instagram page “Znak za rijec” where they are engaged in the daily promotion and approaching the Bosnian sign language. population through very interesting video content. Together with Maida Mujanovic, the third member of the “Sign for the Word” group, they helped us a lot in the implementation of the project. Their enthusiasm and our desire to learn sign language inspired us to contribute to the promotion of sign language. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. two young girls who started the Facebook and Instagram page “Znak za rijec” where they are engaged in the daily promotion and approaching the Bosnian sign language. population through very interesting video content. Together with Maida Mujanovic, the third member of the “Sign for the Word” group, they helped us a lot in the implementation of the project. Their enthusiasm and our desire to learn sign language inspired us to contribute to the promotion of sign language. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. population through very interesting video content. Together with Maida Mujanovic, the third member of the “Sign for the Word” group, they helped us a lot in the implementation of the project. Their enthusiasm and our desire to learn sign language inspired us to contribute to the promotion of sign language. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. population through very interesting video content. Together with Maida Mujanovic, the third member of the “Sign for the Word” group, they helped us a lot in the implementation of the project. Their enthusiasm and our desire to learn sign language inspired us to contribute to the promotion of sign language. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments. Therefore, we have combined our love for Bosnia and Herzegovina with a new kind of love, this one for sign language. Our goal was to promote inclusion and point out the problem of the marginalization of people with hearing impairments.

    What are the achievements of the group “BiH on the move” so far?

    Tyra: Our first film “BiH on the move” presents the natural beauties and cultural and historical sights that adorn the four BiH. cities: Sarajevo, Mostar, Banja Luka, and Jajce. After the premiere of the film at the Center for Culture and Youth of Sarajevo Municipality Centar, which was attended by a large number of visitors and the media, the team “BiH on the Move” cooperated with the Development Agency of Una-Sana Canton and visited Bihac, Ostrozac Fortress, Una National Park. The second film, which presents the beauties of that region, also provoked positive reactions from the audience and gave an extra wind in the back to our team to continue to promote our country in this unique and inclusive way. Our new achievement is the film “Show me a story” in which we have pushed the boundaries of a previous engagement, and thus included our fellow citizens who also want to learn sign language.

    How did you come up with the idea for “Show Me a Story”?

    Ajla: During last year’s campaign, young people from all over BiH contacted us with the desire that they also learn sign language. This is exactly what inspired us for the new “Show me a story” campaign. This time we decided to tell which are the places in BiH that have a special meaning for us and motivate our fellow citizens to join us in telling stories in sign language. We created a prize competition in which we awarded money to the three best videos. Those interested sent the text of a story about their favorite place in BiH, after which we would send them a video with instructions on how to tell that story in sign language. We got dozens of beautiful videos and it was really hard for us to decide on just the top three.


    Which are bh. places found in the movie?

    Hata: We were pleasantly surprised and happy by the fact that our campaigns generated great public interest. This time we received dozens of wonderful stories about places in BiH that our participants wanted to present in sign language. We helped them achieve that and included the best videos in our film “Show Me a Story”. In the film we showed stories about the mountains Vlasic and Trebevic, lakes Mandek and Trnovacko, the villages Lukomir and Umoljani and about Gradačac, Travnik, Velika Kladusa, Sarajevo… The best competition videos were sent to us by Abdulah Ljevakovic, Adi Smajic, Đanela Hibic, Amina Trako, Edvin Pezerovic, Semir Abazovic, Sejla Smajic and Tijana Trklja.

    What is the greatest significance of the project?

    Hata: According to the last census from 2013, there are almost 70,000 people with hearing impairments living in BiH, who, unfortunately, are not given enough attention in our society. People with hearing impairments are largely marginalized in various areas – in the education sector, health care, as well as in the media due to inadequate communication. One of the main obstacles they face is the fact that sign language in our country is not standardized for the reason that there is no consensus. This further creates a problem in the education and certification of sign language interpreters. As I have already mentioned, there are almost 70,000 registered people with hearing impairments in BiH, while only 14 are certified sign language interpreters.

    Alma, you are a hearing-impaired person yourself. What does this project mean to you?

    Alma: I am very proud of this project because in my eyes it is the first step towards creating a better, more inclusive society. As a senior fellow of the Humanity in Action Fellowship, I have always felt that this organization chooses young people who are willing to influence change in our country and build a better BiH through various education, application, and implementation of what they have learned. These stories are great and success stories that carry the message of inclusion and coexistence in all segments of society. Such is the story of “BiH on the move”. My experience with the youth team is exceptional and invaluable. Together we have built a better society and the faith that beautiful and positive things can happen in our country only if we participate and work on the changes we want to see. Will, positive energy, optimism, togetherness, and maximum involvement in creating what young people in BiH need is exactly what enriched our meetings, and which, I hope, will remain our tradition.



    Your message for all those who want to learn sign language?

    Tarja: By learning sign language, in addition to enriching your personality with another skill, you will make someone feel less invisible. Learning every language is not an easy task at the beginning, but the process itself is fun, as evidenced by the numerous clips from the recording that we post on social media every day. We invite you to follow “BiH in the Movement” and “Sign for the word” on the social networks Facebook and Instagram and to learn sign language together with us. Also, I am sure that by watching our films you will get some ideas about destinations in BiH that are worth visiting. Although the phrase “Be the change you want to see in society” has been used many times, we really believe in it, and we want to see Bosnia and Herzegovina where all its citizens can be equally informed and enjoy culture and art.

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