Kate Hudson staged an enchanting fashion show at the premiere of the film “Mona Lisa and the Bloody Moon” in a scarlet Valentino dress, which left no room for imagination and set a topic for discussion for several days ahead. The day before, the actress walked a daring black Mônot with an extreme cut from the thigh and a revealing neckline. We’ve been hot on the heels and have compiled a gallery of the most provocative star images from the Venice Film Festival
Kate Hudson staged an enchanting fashion show at the premiere of the film “Mona Lisa and the Bloody Moon” in a scarlet Valentino dress, which left no room for imagination and set a topic for discussion for several days ahead. The day before, the actress walked a daring black Mônot with an extreme cut from the thigh and a revealing neckline. We’ve been hot on the heels and have compiled a gallery of the most provocative star images from the Venice Film Festival.
Kate Hudson staged an enchanting fashion show at the premiere of the film “Mona Lisa and the Bloody Moon” in a scarlet Valentino dress, which left no room for imagination and set a topic for discussion for several days ahead. The day before, the actress walked a daring black Mônot with an extreme cut from the thigh and a revealing neckline. We’ve been hot on the heels and have compiled a gallery of the most provocative star images from the Venice Film Festival.