Did you know that one serving of cinnamon contains as much as 5 times more antioxidants than half a cup of blueberries?
1. Prevention of fungal diseases – a chemical compound found in cinnamon helps prevent and fight bacterial and fungal infections.
2. It acts anti-inflammatory and as an analgesic – Recent studies have shown that cinnamon reduces inflammation associated with arthritis.
3. Regulates blood sugar – Cinnamon is a great choice in the diet if you have type 2 diabetes, and if you want to keep your blood sugar level stable.
4. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol – Studies show that cinnamon can reduce the level of bad cholesterol and the development of cardiovascular diseases.
5. Increase energy – It is an excellent spice for breakfast because it affects the release of energy over a long period of time.
6. Reduces the risk of cancer – Regular consumption of cinnamon reduces possible damage to cells and DNA.
7. Probiotic – It has been shown to be effective in fighting H.plory and other pathogens within the digestive system.
8. Stimulate metabolism and reduce the effect of fatty foods – Stimulates the breakdown of fat deposits.
9. Reduces menstrual cramps – Establishes hormonal balance, the absence of which causes cramps.
10. Stress reduction – The smell of cinnamon has soothing properties.